We are creating added value by listening carefully to your concern and offering you the most reliable and innovative control and detection solution.

Your customised product will be developed inhouse by highly educated engineers that hold a passion for embedded electronics.

We think together with you for the most optimized product, thereby continuously improving our skills and learning new technological innovations to help you best.

Our production department is qualified to provide you the highest quality of products. By enlarging our machining capacity and working together with stable suppliers our team will provide you products on-time and with zero-defects.


Interact With The Customer
The customer voice is key in success to develop the best customised solution.
Seek For Innovative Technology
In order to develop the best technological solution the company shall invest in innovative technology and research.
People Help The People
A company’s success is created by a TEAM of people. It is the company’s strategy to ensure that each individual person feels welcome, appreciated and supported in our team.
Safety Is A Verb
A safety strategy embedded in all systems, processes and tools enables our employees and customers to protect what matters most.
Registered Office: Kruisbooglaan 17, B2960, Brecht, VAT: BE0473493914